Sunday, May 13, 2012

Make It Like Mommy Did

     As finals are drawing to a close, each and every student out there is surely craving a little piece of home. We can't wait to get back to our queen-sized beds in a room by ourselves, to wake up to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee, and not have to pay every time we want to do laundry. But for some who are drowning in papers or on their way to summer internship stress, don't wait until Mom can do it for you: treat yourself like Mom would treat you.

     Obviously, there's not much you can do when it comes to laundry or the roommate, but when you spend extra time on the small things, it can make you feel more at home. The other day, I made myself ants-on-a-log with pretzels, grapes, and a cup of juice, the snack that would always be awaiting me after a long day of school back in Evergreen. I don't need Mom to make a plate of delicious delectables. Incorporating small things like this, or actually ironing that shirt you found in the bottom of your drawer or shutting everyone out to do a face mask for 5 minutes, will ease the stress of being alone and away from home during this stressful time. Maybe Mom's not there to help you out, but you can show her what you've learned.

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